Certified organic argan oil from Morocco
Orient House argan oil has all the necessary certificates
From the point of view of international trade, Morocco is considered the so-called "third world country". Importers of food and cosmetic argan oil must meet the standards established by law. Control by the competent authorities is part of the customs procedure.
During the inspection, the importer proves himself with laboratory analyzes of argan oil and relevant certificates. These certificates are available for inspection at the importer's office. The argan oil we offer has Ecocert certificates, analyzes by the state food inspection and a safety assessment of the Slovak Republic!
The parent company Ecocert was founded in 1991. It currently has an international network of branches in 80 countries around the world. The certification process includes the control of the production process throughout the year:
- Ecocert auditors control the entire production process, which includes quality control of argan fruits, each stage of argan oil production, labeling, packaging, distribution and import of argan oil to other countries. In addition, they also do random checks, during which they take samples of argan oil for laboratory analysis. Audit reports are sent to the parent company in France for assessment.
- Ecocert commissioners, in the event that the production process complies with all requirements, will issue an Ecocert certificate. Certificates are issued with limited validity and are usually renewed after one year.
- The certification inspection commission is an independent professional body responsible for the control of the certification process
Ecocert issues certificates for 100% organic argan oil and 100% food and cosmetic argan oil.
Buy argan oil only from suppliers who are able to show valid certificates
and laboratory tests for the respective supply of oil !!!