Did you know?
Prickly pear oil is known as natural botox, due to its unique ability to smooth facial wrinkles. You will achieve the expected results only by using the original prickly pear oil made from the seeds of the prickly pear cactus.
Extra virgin 100% bio prickly pear oil (cactus oil) cold-pressed from the seeds of prickly pear cactus fruit, directly from Morocco.
Production of prickly pear oil
Collected healthy and ripe prickly pears are split in half, small seeds are taken out and they are cold-pressed. For one liter of prickly pear oil, 28 kg of pure pressed seeds are used, which come from 1400 kg of prickly pear (cactus) fruits. Prickly pear oil is very rare, but every drop of prickly pear oil has amazing effects. Prickly pear oil is exclusively cold-pressed in strictly hygienic conditions at our partner in Morocco, where it is subsequently packaged.
100% organic prickly pear oil quickly regenerates the skin, softens it and prevents its aging. It soothes irritated skin, counteracts its redness and provides excellent hydration. Prickly pear oil is easily absorbed, does not leave a greasy feeling. Excellently regenerates nail beds and thus prevents brittleness of nails. It can even smooth out wrinkles around the eyes and mouth and closes the pores, so the skin looks bright, firm and healthy.
Effects of prickly pear oil
- Regenerates and softens the skin
- Tightens enlarged pores
- Smoothes wrinkles around the eyes and mouth
- It works on circles and bags under the eyes
- Hydrates the skin
- Smoothes the skin
- Soothes redness and has a preventive effect against skin irritation
Additional information
Category: | Prickly pear oil |
Composition ( INCI ): | 100% Prickly pear oil |
Druh: | 100% prírodné oleje |
Determination: | skin, vonkajšie použitie |
Symptómy: | Vrásky |
Volume: | 15ml |
Packaging: | glass, dispenser, box |
Made of: | prickly pear cactus seeds |
Method of production: | cold pressed prickly pear cactus seeds |
Certificates: | Ecocert, safety assessment SR |
Country of origin: | Morocco |
- na vrásky
- spomaľuje starnutie pleti
- hydratácia pleti
- náhrada drahých krémov
- jazvy, ekzémy
- problematická pleť
- akné
- skludňuje zápaly
- strie
- spevňuje lámavé nechty
- lieči nechtové lôžko
Dátum spotreby: 01/2025
lubica, 23.10.2015 9:06.54
Dobrý deň, dnes som obdržala zásielku s opunciovým olejom. Rada by som sa Vám poďakovala za bezchybné dodanie tovaru a samozrejme aj za priložený darček. Musím pochváliť Vašu firmu, že je bezkonkurenčná. Vynikajúca kvalita olejov, pekný obalový dizajn a taktiež webová stránka a dokonalé balenie tovaru proti poškodeniu. Ďakujem a prajem, aby sa Vám ešte veľa, veľa rokov darilo dovážať tieto kvalitné oleje. S pozdravom Ľubica Horáková Vaša zákazníčka

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