Did you know?
Argan oil contains 2-3 times natural vitamin E, more than any other natural source.
Argan oil is extra virgin natural organic oil pressed exclusively from the first fruits of the argan nut. This very rare and extremely valuable Moroccan oil is a 100% natural organic substance without preservatives.
Argan oil is called liquid or Moroccan gold for its powerful healing, healing, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, moisturizing and antibacterial effects. Berbers, especially local women, have been using argan oil for centuries in cooking, healing, and for cosmetic purposes, as a substitute for creams and other cosmetic products.
Composition of argan oil
100% organic oil contains 80% of essential unsaturated fatty acids, especially Omega 9 and Omega 6, which are irreplaceable for growth, healthy human development and brain activity.
Argan oil in its original and pure form has several times higher antioxidant potential than olive oil and also contains carotenoids, phytosterols and squalene, which prevents, for example, excess cholesterol formation.
At the same time, research shows that 100% organic argan oil can improve cell regeneration, help against infections and colds, reduce inflammation, stimulate blood circulation, reduce cholesterol levels, the risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, and also the risk of certain types of cancer.
The oil is also suitable for diabetics/ lowers the blood glucose level/, strengthens the immune system and has a very beneficial effect on the skin and hair.
Organic argan oil is also characterized by an unusually high amount of vitamins A, E and F. The almost "miraculous" effects of this exclusively 100% natural product contribute to the good health and protection of your skin, especially from the harmful effects of today's times and the polluted environment.
- natural vitamin E - alpha-tocopherol - fat-soluble vitamin. It is a strong antioxidant, protects against the effects of free radicals, helps maintain the optimal level of essential fatty acids and vitamin A in the skin. In the epidermis, it creates a barrier against the evaporation of moisture from the skin, prevents cellular aging caused by oxidation, supports cell nutrition and strengthens vascular walls. Significantly reduces inflammation and scarring.
- natural carotenoids - vegetable pigments soluble in fats, protecting eyes and skin from UV radiation and the action of free radicals. They strengthen the immune system, help maintain healthy skin and inhibit the growth of cancerous cells.
- unsaturated fatty acids - a person obtains them only through diet or skin. They are building materials necessary for the good functioning of cell membranes, they are important for maintaining healthy skin and prevent moisture loss and premature aging.
- natural phenols and phenolic acids
- squalene
The effects of organic argan oil
- Protects against UV radiation (suitable as an additive to sun creams)
- It slows down the aging of the skin and restores its elasticity, rids the skin of wrinkles
- It is easily absorbed, leaving no greasy or dry skin feeling
- Nourishes the hair fiber - acts against hair loss and dandruff
- Strengthens brittle nails and nail beds
- It soothes inflammation and softens the manifestations of eczema, acne and psoriasis on the skin of the whole body
- It accelerates the healing of wounds and softens significant scars
- Excellent for men after shaving with sensitive and irritated skin, it does not irritate the skin at all
Use of organic argan oil for the skin
Compared to other natural substances, argan oil contains 2-3 times more natural vitamin E, which acts against cell aging, increases skin elasticity, prevents the formation of wrinkles and gives the skin natural shine and suppleness.
Massage the oil into the skin and let it work. Usually a few drops of oil are enough to spread. For problem skin, try a few drops on a small piece of skin.
Using argan oil for hair
Massage the oil into your hair, let it act for approx. 1 hour. and rinse with warm water. Prevents hair loss. Suitable for massages and in the treatment of rheumatism, it reduces the possibility of arthritis.
Pregnancy stretch marks
During pregnancy, expectant mothers face the same problem. As the belly grows, the skin stretches and often cracks, creating painful sores that leave permanent aesthetic damage. It is important to use chemical-free products during pregnancy.
Organic argan oil is an exceptional product that, with regular use, very effectively helps prevent painful cracks and permanent damage to the skin in the abdomen and décolletage. It is suitable not only during pregnancy, but also after it. By regularly applying argan oil, stressed skin will return to its original state more easily.
After giving birth, the mother will use it when massaging her baby. The oil nourishes the baby's skin and protects it from drying out and the harmful effects of the surrounding environment.
Argan oil quality guarantee
Argavel argan oil by Orient House was produced in the south of Morocco in the area where argania spinosa trees grow freely. The Errais family company, which was carefully selected for this purpose on the basis of its experience, extraordinary conscientiousness and the high quality of its natural oils, produces argan oil in organic quality from the original variety of trees exclusively by cold pressing from selected fruits of the argania spinosa tree.
Argania spinosa trees have never been bred, genetically modified and no fertilizers or sprays have been applied. The oil contains no dyes, preservatives, parabens, animal products, petroleum derivatives, solvents, silicones, and no animals were used in its production and the oil was not tested on animals.
All ORIENT HOUSE products meet the safety requirements specified in the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 on cosmetic preparations and products.
Additional information
Category: | Cosmetic argan oil |
Composition ( INCI ): | 100% Argania spinosa kernell oil |
Druh: | 100% prírodné oleje |
Determination: | hair, skin, body, nails, massages, beard and mustache, vonkajšie použitie |
Volume: | 100ml |
Packaging: | glass, dispenser, box |
Made of: | fruits of argania spinosa |
Method of production: | cold pressing |
Certificates: | Ecocert, safety assessment SR |
Country of origin: | Morocco |
Skin and skin of the whole body
- for wrinkles
- slows down skin aging
- skin hydration
- after shaving on sensitive and irritated skin
- substitute for creams
- scars, eczema
- psoriasis
- problematic skin
- acne
- accelerates the healing of skin wounds
- relieves inflammation
- massages
- stretch marks
- hair loss
- dandruff
- broken hair
- split ends of hair
- hair fiber nutrition
- skin nutrition
- strengthens brittle nails
- treats the nail bed
- beautiful fur
Dátum spotreby: 12/2024
matus kerekes, 25.8.2016 8:21.47
Ďalšia krásne recenzia - Ďakujeme Ďakujem!!! Veľmi vzácna kombinácia vysokej kvality, primeranej ceny a neuveriteľného proklientského prístupu!!! Vo svojej manažérskej ako aj \"spotrebiteľskej\" praxi sa na Slovensku stále zriedkavejšie stretávam s takýmto vzácnym javom! Som veľmi náročný zákazník a naozaj zriedka píšem pozitívnu spätnú väzbu alebo dávam referencie - vo Vašom prípade bez zaváhania konštatujem, že mi je cťou byť Vašou zákazníčkou - vrelo odporúčam naozaj všetkým! Držím palce - nech sa Vám darí! Spokojná Zákazníčka Petronela
matus kerekes, 9.11.2015 11:33.01
fakt skvelý olej, nedá sa to ani porovnať s tou lacnou napodobeninou čo som mala pred tým z inej stránky, spokojnosť a objednávam už pravidelne
Majka strazovcova, 3.4.2015 5:41.05
Skvelý produkt
S olejom som veľmi spokojná, kupujem ho pravidelne a už ibaže Vás. Pred časom som ho kúpila na inej stránke, mal síce orieskovu vôňu ale účinky žiadne a až vďaka Vám som sa dozvedela, ze ten olej bol z porazených orechov. Bol lacný ale už to neurobím. Som rada ze je tu konečne firma ktorá nás informuje aj o kvalite, rozdieloch v cenách a druhoch oleja. Vás olej používam už rok, postupne si naňho zvykla cela moja rodina. Dokonca aj priateľ.
Marcelka, 19.3.2015 9:26.04
Skvelý produkt pre celú rodinu, som spokojná s kvalitou produktu ale aj rýchlosťou doručenia a komunikáciou s predajcom.
Michaela Cerovska, 1.1.2013 8:10.12
bio arganovy olej kozmetický
Dobry den prajem, mam doma kozmeticky olej od vianoc, je vazne skvely a vonia krasne po orechoch...Skusala som aj iny arganovy bio olej , ten Vas je kvalitou neporovnatelny- pocit z neho je uzasny, zelam Vam vsetko dobre v novom roku 2013 Michaela
d0lgi, 7.7.2012 6:48.39
arganový olej
Je to geniálny produkt. Neskutočne dobrý na pleť a celé telo. Výborný pred, ale hlavne po opaľovaní, výborný ako voda po holení. Pleť nepáli, nemá tendenciu sa začervenať, pokožka je odpočinutá a svieža. Skúste ho použiť ako doplnok počas kúpelu. Stačí ho pridať do vody a pokožka je vláčna a príjemná na dotyk. Vyhoďte Vašu drogériu plnú chémie a začnite používať len tento produkt.\r\nLen sa bojím, že mi to balenie nevydrží ani 2 týždne :)\r\n
orienthouse, 12.4.2012 15:22.14
Olej je výborný, natieram si tvár, používam ho aj na vlasy, Ďakujem
Martin Kertis, 3.3.2012 19:30.25
krém na psoriázu
Kúpil som si krém na psoriázu s arganovým olejom od orient house, mal som začínajúcu psoriázu na hrudi, používal som krém s arganovým olejom asi mesiac a po mesiaci mi príznaky úplne zmizli, doterz sa mi príznaky nevrátili

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